Our Vision
Find your Fantastic
Just as the animals gathered in the safety of the ark, we come together, trusting in God and each other on our journey through life. We persevere, riding the waves through storm and calm, guided by hope, to find our fantastic, no matter what it takes
Our Mission statement
At St Botolph's CE Academy we place the Christian faith at the heart of everything we do.
Children will learn through an inclusive, balanced, creative curriculum, where British Values, Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding through a distinctive Church School ethos will underpin all learning. Learning itself will be fun and meaningful and enlivened by visits, visitors and the use of the environment. English and Maths are the backbone to children’s success and first class education and quality first teaching is paramount. All children will be treated equally, fairly and with mutual respect. Learners will be treated as individuals, so the teaching and learning will be differentiated to take account of their wide and varied needs. Through our curriculum we particularly aim to:
develop the qualities of mind, body, spirit and to recognise and accept this in others.
embed our core values through everything we do.
promote Christian values, morals and spirituality through links to the Parish, local and wider community.
inspire and develop a responsibility for a love of learning and love of life.
set high expectations for children and encourage them to persevere and achieve their goals.
encourage positive friendships, outstanding behaviour and self-confidence in all areas of school life.
nurture the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of children’s development and inspire a sense of awe and wonder in the world around them.
Our academy is part of the work and witness of the church in our neighbourhood. The links with St Botolphs Church are strong and vital and we work hard to embody the Christian foundation in all aspects of school life, particularly in Collective Worship.
We aim to demonstrate our Christian foundation through the value we place on every person, child or adult, involved in the life of the academy. We seek to provide an environment of trust where confidence can grow. Our academy serves the local community and we work hard to foster the Christian values of tolerance and respect for one another and indeed respect for different faiths and cultures. Children of different faiths, backgrounds and abilities are encouraged to learn to live together and value the integrity of all people
We endeavour, without indoctrination, to provide education in accordance with the teachings of the Church of England and try to ensure that each child leaves our school knowing what Christians believe and how those beliefs affect their everyday life. Our mission is to create a place where happy memories are made and never forgotten.
Our Core Christian Values
As a Church academy, Christian values are embedded into our daily lives. We have six core values which are at the heart of the academy and underpin everything that we do. Our helping hands core values are;
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer2 |
Friendship | Compassion | Trust | Respect | Perseverance | Courage |
Our Goodly Rules
St Botolph was known as the Goodly Saint and he has inspired our academy rules.