Our vision for special educational needs
At St Botolph’s CE Academy, we value all God’s children and are committed to giving all our pupils every opportunity to achieve their best. The achievement, attitude and well-being of every pupil matters and inclusion is the responsibility of everyone within our academy. Every teacher is a teacher of every pupil, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We value the unique contribution that every individual can make to our academy community and believe that all pupils, regardless of background, are treated with respect and dignity.
We have high expectations of all our pupils and strive to ensure that every pupil has access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets their needs, builds on their strengths and enables them to progress appropriately. We are determined to ensure the environment enables all to thrive and develop by making reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of pupils/staff with a disability or learning need. We will always involve parents and children in key decisions, as well as planning and reviewing progress; we know that parents are the first educators of their child and that we need their knowledge and co-operation to plan effectively.
SEND Information
St Botolphs CE Academy is an inclusive academy. We ensure that pupils are included in all aspects of learning and school life throughout our school.
From time to time some children require additional support for a set period of time to help them catch-up with their classmates or during a period of adjustment. The decision to do this is made by the school and is based on a variety of factors including academic progress, and/or assessments carried out by the SENCO, Class Teacher, teaching staff or other professionals. It may also be based on ensuring children have a smooth transition into school or require support when going through significant change either at home or school. Parents/carers will be informed when this happens.
Some children will require support for a longer period of time to ensure they can access the curriculum effectively and be included fully in classroom learning and school events. Support will be planned by school staff and where appropriate by external professionals. Parents/carers will be kept informed about this support
Children who require support due to English as an addditional language are not considered SEND pupils but as they may require additional support their needs are reflected in our local offer.
Our Local Offer describes the range of provision and support available to support identified children as and when appropriate. This Offer is subject to change depending on budgetary constraints and policy review.
You can find more information about Autism from Wakefield on the link below:
Our SENDCo is Mrs S Golding
Mrs Golding can be contacted on info@stbotolphsacademy.co.uk. Please mark for the attention of Mrs Golding
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs
We are committed to be fully inclusive where all members of our school are treated fairly and equally. By working in partnership with children, families and partner agencies, we ensure that all children receive the support they need to access all aspects of school life. We respect each child as an individual and have high expectations and aspirations for all.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child and would like to speak to us at school, then please do not hesitate to contact our SENCO.
Once you have done this, if you remain concerned and want to make a complaint about the school’s SEN Support please follow the school’s Complaint procedure.
To view the following policies please click on them: