Celebration Worship
Every Friday we come together as a whole academy to hold our Celebration Worship. We present awards and certificates to pupils and classes who have shown effort and achievement in the following ways.
Golden Goodly Book
One child in every class recevies a Goodly certificate and medal each week. Their names are written in the Golden Goodly Book and we share them with parents and friends in our newsletter and on the celebration board in the main entrance.
SAM attendance
Our attendance Target is 96%. Each class achieving this or above for the week, will get an apple on our attendance tree. Any class who gets 100% attendance gets a golden apple. The class who gets the highest weekly attendance will receive a certifcate and take SAM the dog and the attendance cup back to their classroom for the week. Each week, we also record any classes who have no lates during that week. These classes get a leaf on our tree.
Attendance Vouchers
Every child who achieves a weekly 100% attendance will receive a raffle ticket. These are collected over each half term and a winning ticket is drawn at the Celebration Worship. for children and their parents will get a £20 Morrisons voucher.