St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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St. Botolph’s CE Academy

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  2. Whole School

A Special Delivery

Today, we received a special delivery from Morrisons following a recent Facebook competition.  We would like to say a big thank you to all our parents and staff who voted for our school and of course to Morrisons for their lovely book delivery.  We have an amazing community.  

Academy Trim Trail

We recently added out Trim Trail to our playground.  There is a lovely video and article showing the children using the equipment.  Looks like they are having fun.

You Tube video

Pentagon play news

We are helping our local community

Harvest Donations 2020

We had some fantastic donations for our Harvest Festival from our families and the donations were gratefully received by the food bank.

Whole School

Today, Saint Andrew celebrated earning the most Saintly Points over the Autumn term. They had a great treat and made their own Christmas crackers. Well done, Saint Andrew!